Victoria Frias | Gym Trainer

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Victoria Frias | Gym Trainer

Brooklyn is Victoria Frias’ hometown. Victoria is a qualified personal trainer by the National Academy of Sports Medicine. She has nearly a decade of athletic training experience, including four very competitive cheerleading teams. Victoria has won multiple individual accolades, National and Regional medals, performed on the Barclays court, and most recently was part of the first New York City squad to qualify and compete in the 2019 Cheerleading World Championship. From captain to coach, she started her training in Texas by getting certified by the US All Star Federation.

She coaches a team for Iconic Cheer Elite, the program she competes for. Victoria’s favorite part of coaching and training is seeing “I can’t”s become “I can and I will”. “I came to BA as an athlete hoping to improve my competition performance. As a destitute college student, I applied for a front desk job to stay at the gym. Since then, I’ve fallen in love with everything and everyone here and am so excited to go from lovely front desk girl to still sweet but BAD ASS instructor!”

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