Urban Garden Center

(0 Reviews)
1640 Park avenue (@116 street) New York, NY 10035646-872-3991
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Urban Garden Center


The Gatanas family established and operates the family business Urban Garden Center. They are a three-generation family-run enterprise with headquarters in New York. Born and raised in East Harlem, Aspasia Gatanas is the daughter of Dimitri and Calliope Gravanis, who developed Dimitri’s Garden Center. It really should come as no surprise that the Urban Garden Center is the main source of gardening tools and plants in New York City.


Urban Garden Center

Public image:

The evaluations on Nybizlisting come from reputable websites because we scan the web Urban Garden Center extensively. The service provider of Urban Garden Center in NYC is ranked based on its minimum average rating, number of review sites where they are featured, and overall number of reviews.


People Review


4.3/ 5 (257)

4.5/ 5 (74)


8.2/ 10(45)


4.5/ 5 (100)


Outstanding Personnel:

They have outstanding personnel to manage these high-end services. As a result, every area of plants, trees, and ornamentation is something that their staff members are very aware about. The employees at the urban garden center put in a lot of attempts to maintain the business competitive. One of the top gardening teams in New York City may be found here.


Urban Garden Center’s management takes great satisfaction in running the garden center in an environmentally friendly manner. They make an effort to only use plants and gardening supplies that are produced or farmed locally. At East 116th Street and Park Avenue, underneath the metro north train tracks, is where you’ll find our 20,000 square foot outdoor garden center.


Gardening Products:

They are solely accountable for the upkeep and decoration of the garden. This company is selling pots, clay planters, organic insecticides, disease controllers, mulch for the outside of the house, and a range of other gardening products in addition to annual and perennial herbs.


Instead of calling them, you can order a plant or tree online and have it delivered to your house if you prefer to do your own home decorating. Plants and flowers that you order online will be distributed. This time-saving feature is plain to see. Without leaving your house, you can accomplish your aim by doing other things while sitting in your chair.


Why Choose us?


  1. New York City is home to a third generation of garden supply stores.
  2. In order to run the garden center, Urban Garden Center uses ecologically friendly practices.
  3. We make an effort to use only plants and gardening supplies that are grown or produced here in the area.
  4. On East 116th Street and Park Avenue, under the Metro North Railroad tracks, we have a 20,000 square foot outdoor garden center.
  5. One block from the 6 train, and three blocks from the 2/3 train, we are in a great location.


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