Sal Vitale | Gym Trainer

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New York
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Sal Vitale | Gym Trainer

Vitale Salvatore Aka Sallyvee, from Sicily, introduces a new level of fitness with his high-intensity explosive moves. Dancing was his first love before exercise. Sal danced through his teenage years in Bensonhurst, Brooklyn. While wrestling for three years in high school, he became obsessed with fitness.

Working with DJ firms and dance studios, Sal became recognized in the neighborhoods as a determined, energetic dancer. Sal began teaching breakdance and hip hop in 2011, but it wasn’t until years later that he became engaged in fitness through dancing genres that built arm, core, and lower body strength.

Sal, a personal trainer and group fitness instructor, helps clients look and feel fantastic. Sal’s exercise technique blends breakdancing and calisthenics with rapid-fire supersets of bodyweight and barbell activities to challenge every facet of your fitness. Fitness is transformational. It might change your physique, but it can also affect how you see yourself and push you past your limitations. Genius is fitness. Health is life. I say, “Because I love life,” when asked why I like fitness.

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