Maid Sailors | House Cleaning Services in New York

(0 Reviews)
257 Water Street New York, NY 10038+1-212-299-5170
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Maid Sailors



Maid Sailors is a New York City-based cleaning business that specializes on budget-friendly packages. Because of their excellent track record, you can assume that this is a reputable cleaning business. There is no doubt in my mind that they are capable of providing the greatest cleaning service in town.


They’re not just in New York, they’re all across the United States. Your home will be cleaner, healthier, and more productive thanks to their team of cleaning professionals. As a result, if you’re looking for a reliable cleaning company in New York City that’s also reasonable, consider Maid Sailors.


You can learn more on their website about how they’re constantly improving their service systems.


Public image:

The evaluations on Nybizlisting come from reputable websites because we scan the web Maid Sailors extensively. The service provider of Maid Sailors in NYC is ranked based on its minimum average rating, number of review sites where they are featured, and overall number of reviews.


People Review


4.7 / 5 (412)


4.0/ 5 (2)

4.0/ 5 (491)


4.6/ 5 (3)


Main Job:

  • Green and Eco-friendly cleaning
  • Certified professional cleaners
  • Always improving
  • Responsiveness


Services :

  1. Inside the Fridge
  2. Inside the Oven
  3. Inside the Cabinets
  4. Interior Windows
  5. Interior Walls
  6. Inside Closets
  7. Regular Cleaning
  8. Deep Cleaning
  9. Pet Hair Clean-up
  10. Organizing
  11. Dishes
  12. Laundry
  13. Baseboards
  14. Move In Or Move Out Cleaning


Contact to get a quote!


Why Choose Us?


  1. If you sign up, you can get $10 off your first cleaning. We’ll let you know about future sales and discounts.
  2. We’re taking the first step toward our goal of making cleaning services available to everyone by making it easy for homeowners to find trusted, professional service providers at prices they can afford.
  3. Our goal is to give you the best cleaning service that is possible.
  4. Easy to book online (it only takes 60 seconds!)
  5. Cleaners who have been trained and tested.
  6. EVERYTHING you need to clean is included.
  7. Guaranteed to make you happy 100% of the time.
  8. We have insurance and a bond.


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