Law Firm of Poppe & Associates, PLLC

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450 Seventh Avenue Suite 2307, New York, NY 10123(212) 792-9501
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Law Firm of Poppe & Associates, PLLC


Poppe & Associates, PLLC is continuing to represent clients in matters connected to family law in the greater New York City area. In addition to this, they are responsible for processing petitions to modify child support and carrying out any necessary enforcement proceedings.

In spite of the fact that the parents who are divorcing or otherwise separating may hold divergent viewpoints on a variety of issues, it’s possible that they can come to an agreement about how essential it is to fulfill their child’s fundamental needs. The agreement about child support determines the extent to which each parent is accountable for completing their obligation to provide financial support for the kid.

In the metropolitan area that surrounds New York City, the law firm of Poppe & Associates, PLLC provides a resource for customers who are looking for counsel and assistance in matters pertaining to child support. These clients can contact the firm at the following address: When it comes to issues with child custody and child support, the attorneys who represent both parties are committed to safeguarding what is in the children’s best interests in the proceedings.





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Child support Calculation

In the state of New York, the amount of child support is calculated based on a set of guidelines that take into account a wide variety of factors, including the following categories of considerations:

  • The number of children
  • Each parent’s gross income
  • Child-care costs on an annual basis
  • Contracts for alimony


Regardless of whether you have legal or physical possession of the kid, it is of the utmost importance that your rights be protected and that the other parent lives up to his or her responsibilities.


Their attorneys will be able to assist you with all of the different legal components that are involved in determining child support, including difficult concerns such as income imputing.


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