Edward A. Cespedes

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100 Garden City Plaza, Suite 500, Garden City, NY 11530(516) 640-3900
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Law Firm: Aronova & Associates

Specialty: Workers Compensation Law

Address: 100 Garden City Plaza, Suite 500, Garden City, NY 11530

Email: info@aronovaassociates.com

Phone: (516) 640-3900

Website: aronovaassociates.com

Facebook: AronovaAssociates


Edward A. Cespedes


St. John’s University awarded Edward Cespedes a Bachelor of Science in Paralegal Studies in 1995. He worked as a paralegal in Merrill Lynch’s Office of General Counsel before going to law school in New York. A graduate of New York Law School, Edward earned his J.D. in 2002.


Mr. Cespedes is a member of the New York State Bar Association and the U.S. District Courts for the Eastern and Southern Districts of New York.

He is a member in good standing of both the New York State Bar Association and the American Bar Association.

In 2005, Edward joined Baker, Sanders, Barshay, Grossman, Fass, Muhlstock, and Neuwirth as an associate.

He oversees the Bronx Civil No-Fault motion schedule and has experience in all elements of No-Fault litigation. Additionally, Mr. Cespedes has attempted over a dozen No-Fault cases with success.

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