Douglas H. Sanders

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100 Garden City Plaza, Suite 500, Garden City, NY 11530(516) 640-3900
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Law Firm: Aronova & Associates

Specialty: Workers Compensation Attorney (worker’s compensation negligence cases, labor law cases and disability claims.)

Address: 100 Garden City Plaza, Suite 500, Garden City, NY 11530


Phone: (516) 640-3900


Facebook: AronovaAssociates


Douglas H. Sanders

In 1996, Douglas H. Sanders received his degree with highest honors from Duke University. He received his J.D. from George Washington University in June of 2000. During his time as a law student, Mr. Sanders interned at the Department of Justice, where he participated with the Oklahoma City Bombing Investigation. His work there was praised highly, and he was given awards.


  • After that, Mr. Sanders went to work for Sanders, Sanders, Block, Woycik, Viener & Grossman, P.C., which is a family business. He took care of a lot of cases where people were hurt.
  • He also oversaw the departments for pleadings and motions, went to court conferences, and took depositions. In 2001, he started working at Sanders & Grossman, P.C., where he did no-fault medical billing collections.
  • Mr. Sanders became the firm’s operations managing partner and was in charge of human resources, technology, program development, and the legal process.

Distinguished performance:

Sanders, Grossman, Fass & Muhlstock, P.C. Mr. Sanders is also a member of Sanders Viener Grossman, LLP, which specializes in mass torts litigation. His business handles major motion and appellate work.

Mr. Sanders oversees mass torts in Puerto Rico. He appeared at the 2016 Puerto Rico Investor Summit with top legal minds, entrepreneurs, politicians, and business executives.

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