B & H Photo-Video

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420 Ninth Ave, New York, NY 10001
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B & H Photo-Video


  1. Photography & ROV systems
  2. Professional video and drone
  3. Mobiles & Accessories
  4. Lightings & Studio setup
  5. Computers
  6. Lenses
  7. Used
  8. Digital Cameras
  9. TVs & Entertainment
  10. Pro Audio and audio visual
  11. Deal Zone


B & H Photo-Video is an American shop that specializes in photography and video equipment. The company was established in 1973 and has its headquarters in Manhattan, New York City. B & H Photo-Video is a well-known and well-known name in the industry. It is both a business that sells to consumers and to other businesses, and it is also known as an online e-commerce consumer sale for people who utilize the internet.


Consider the possibility of saving money or working within a limited budget and make the Used Department of B&H Photo your first destination. This location stocks a wide variety of used and refurbished consumer goods, including sound systems, smartphones, televisions, and video equipment. I believe that everybody who has a passion for photography should make a point of going there because it is a place where people gather information.


Please click on the link to their website that is located above if you are interested in going to the B&H Store, which is every working photographer’s fantasy destination.


If you wish to go to an Apple store, which is the goal of many individuals, you can do so virtually by following the link to their website that is located above.


Important Info:

Location: 420 Ninth Ave, New York, NY 10001

CEO: Sam Goldstein

Founders: Herman Schreiber and Blimie Schreiber

Headquarters: New York, United States

Number of locations: 1

Web: B & H Photo-Video

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