Arkady Bukh

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1123 Avenue Z, Brooklyn, NY 11235(917) 724-2854
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Veteran lawyer based in Brooklyn NY.

Company: Bukh Law Firm, PLLC

Specialty: Business Law (Commercial litigation practice)

Address: 1123 Avenue Z, Brooklyn, NY 11235

Phone: (917) 724-2854




Arkady Bukh

Arkady Bukh is an experienced attorney who works out of Brooklyn, New York. Since the year 2006, when he first opened his practice, it has developed into a highly regarded legal practice that attracts clients from all over the world. When a legal matter arises in New York, you should go to Arkady as your first choice because of his unrivaled courtroom talents and superlative negotiating ability.

If the outcome is important, you should consult with attorneys whose track record can vouch for their credibility. We have a history of prevailing in court battles and making positive appearances in the media.

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