Kensington Books | Local business in NYC

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119 W 40th St #21, New York, NY 10018, United States+1 212-832-3753
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Company Name: Kensington Books
Predecessor: Lancer Books
Industry: Media
Founder: Walter Zacharius and Roberta Bender Grossman
Distribution: Penguin Random House Publisher Services
Fiction genres: Romance, women’s fiction, African American, young adult,
nonfiction, true-crime, western, mystery


Looking for  Local business?

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This is why, you can choose  Kensington Books as your trusted Local business   to find your needed Local business.

Now we are going to  exchange views  about  the Kensington Books  having  all  particulars  about this company. Kensington Books is a  popular Local business industry  in New York and it is maintaining quality service for their  standard  business. As Kensington Books is a leading Local business sector in New York,it   is contributing to generate  income .

It has a good demand  all over the world and is able competent to serve  clients worldwide.

I think Kensington Books  is the best option because  they offer Local business coverage with authentic  to ensure general people  has an enjoyable experience .

Why us?

  • Welcome everyone with open arms to enjoy and taste our Local business,
  • Gain  valuable customer  data,
  • Allow  people to learn  about cultures other than their own.
  • Have a variety of news on their media,
  • Dedicated to serving quality and standard service
  • Very reasonable decent price,
  • Give  people a way  to stay in touch with people who live far away,
  • Identify  the role of media in our culture.


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